从Web Services中访问服务器变量

2002-09-13 13:50

从Web Services中访问服务器变量

在新闻组中最经常被问到的问题就是“如何从一个web Services(Web服务)内部获取客户浏览器的IP地址?” 这个问题的答案非常简单。system.web.services名称空间内部的Context类代表了web服务的上下文。换句话说,它从一个正在运行的web服务内部对不同的对象进行引用。比如Response(响应)、Request(请求)和Session对象,以及在服务上调试是否激活之类的信息。



2、取得所有的web 服务器变量


<%@ Webservice Language="C#" class="httpvars" %>

using System;

using System.Collections;

using System.Web.Services;

public class httpvars : WebService


// This method returns the IP address of the client


public String ipAddress ()


// The Context object contains reference to Request object

return Context.Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"];


// This method returns the all the server variables as HTML


public String allHttpVars ()


// Instantiate a collection that will hold the

// key-value collection of server variables

NameValueCollection serverVars;

String returnValue = "";

serverVars = Context.Request.ServerVariables;

// Retrieve all the Keys from server variables collection

// as a string array

String[] arVars = serverVars.AllKeys;

// Loop through the keys array and obtain the

// values corresponding to the individual keys

for (int x = 0; x < arVars.Length; x++)


returnValue+= "<b>" + arVars[x] + "</b>: ";

returnValue+= serverVars[arVars[x]] + "<br>";


return returnValue;



