Key KM Functionality

2001-12-04 14:30

Key KM Functionality

Gather: Capture in a common repository information and its location from sources important to you so it can be contributed to the group memory.

Organize: Profile the information in the repository, organize it in meaningful ways for navigation and searching, enable pieces of information to be related to other pieces of information.

Distribute/deliver: Harvest or acquire knowledge, either through an active mechanism (search interface) or a passive mechanism (push).

Collaborate: Collaborate through messaging, workflow, discussion databases ... and so on.

Teach/learn: Distance learning.

Analyze/refine: Analyze information in the knowledge repository (data mining to identify relationships or patterns).

Publish: Publish information to a broader audience, including individuals outside the organization.

Lifecycle management: Securely store, migrate, and purge information after a set period.

Mediate: Manage knowledge workers' time.

Adapted from Doculab's Special Report on KM Products, April 2000.
