A Platform for Web Services
来源: 时间:2002-09-12 10:55 作者:AMTeam.org
A Platform for Web
Mary Kirtland
Microsoft Developer Network
January 2001
Summary: This article presents an overview on the Web services
model for building applications. It includes a discussion on the definition of
Web services; the generic architecture of a Web Service and how it relates to
Microsoft Windows DNA and .NET; platform requirements; and some of the tools and
technologies provided by Microsoft to implement and deploy Web services. (12
printed pages)
If you've been following
the news about Microsoft? .NET, you'll know that Web services play a major role
in the .NET application architecture. In the .NET vision, an application is
constructed using multiple Web services that work together to provide data and
services for the application. However, just because Web services are usually
discussed in the context of .NET, you should not assume that you must wait for
the Microsoft .NET Framework or Microsoft? Visual Studio .NET to build, deploy,
or consume Web services. Web services are a very general model for building
applications and can be implemented for any operating system that supports
communication over the Internet.
In this article, we will:
Review the definition of Web services.
Define a generic
architecture for Web services and relate that architecture to Microsoft?
Windows? DNA and .NET.
Specify some requirements on a platform that
provides good support for building, deploying, or consuming Web services.
Indicate the products and technologies provided by the Microsoft
platform to address these requirements.
Web Services
A Web Service is programmable application logic
accessible using standard Internet protocols. Web services combine the best
aspects of component-based development and the Web. Like components, Web
services represent black-box functionality that can be reused without worrying
about how the service is implemented. Unlike current component technologies, Web
services are not accessed via object-model-specific protocols, such as the
distributed Component Object Model (DCOM), Remote Method Invocation (RMI), or
Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP). Instead, Web services are accessed via
ubiquitous Web protocols and data formats, such as Hypertext Transfer Protocol
(HTTP) and Extensible Markup Language (XML). Furthermore, a Web Service
interface is defined strictly in terms of the messages the Web Service accepts
and generates. Consumers of the Web Service can be implemented on any platform
in any programming language, as long as they can create and consume the messages
defined for the Web Service interface.
There are a few key specifications and technologies you are
likely to encounter when building or consuming Web services. These
specifications and technologies address five requirements for service-based
A standard way to represent data
A common, extensible,
message format
A common, extensible, service description language
A way to discover services located on a particular Web site
way to discover service providers
XML is the obvious choice for a
standard way to represent data. Most Web Service-related specifications use XML
for data representation, as well as XML Schemas to describe data types.
The Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) defines a lightweight
protocol for information exchange. Part of the SOAP specification defines a set
of rules for how to use XML to represent data. Other parts of the SOAP
specification define an extensible message format, conventions for representing
remote procedure calls (RPCs) using the SOAP message format, and bindings to the
HTTP protocol. (SOAP messages can be exchanged over other protocols, but the
current specification only defines bindings for HTTP.) Microsoft anticipates
that SOAP will be the standard message format for communicating with Web
Given a Web Service, it would be nice to have a standard way to
document what messages the Web Service accepts and generates—that is, to
document the Web Service contract. A standard mechanism makes it easier for
developers and developer tools to create and interpret contracts. The Web
services Description Language (WSDL) is an XML-based contract language jointly
developed by Microsoft and IBM. We anticipate that WSDL will be widely supported
by developer tools for creating Web services.
Note Over the past year Microsoft and IBM have
proposed several contract languages: Service Description Language (SDL), SOAP
Contract Language (SCL), and Network Accessible Services Specification Language
(NASSL). While these are all superceded by WSDL, some early development tools
use these languages. You might need to translate the provided contract into the
contract language your development tool understands in order to consume a Web
Developers will also need some way to discover Web services. The
Discovery Protocol (Disco) specification defines a discovery document format
(based on XML) and a protocol for retrieving the discovery document, enabling
developers to discover services at a known URL. However, in many cases the
developer will not know the URLs where services can be found. Universal
Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) specifies a mechanism for Web
Service providers to advertise the existence of their Web services and for Web
Service consumers to locate Web services of interest.
For more information about Web services and these key
specifications, see XML Web Services Basics in the MSDN Library.
Web Services, Windows DNA, and
Recall that the .NET vision imagines applications will be
constructed from multiple Web services that work together to provide data and
services for the application. This is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. .NET application architecture
This diagram, as well as the definition of Web services just
provided, is concerned with the external appearance of the Web services. After
all, we've said that as long as a client application can create and consume the
appropriate messages, it doesn't need to know anything about the internals of
the Web services it uses. Developers of Web services will obviously care about
the internal structure as well.
Figure 2 shows a generic architecture for a Web Service. The
architecture is divided into five logical layers. Furthest from the client is
the data layer, which stores information required by the Web Service. Above the
data layer is the data access layer, which presents a logical view of the
physical data to the business layer. The data access layer isolates business
logic from changes to the underlying data stores and ensures the integrity of
the data. The business layer implements the business logic of the Web Service.
As in Figure 2, it is often subdivided into two parts: the business facade and
the business logic. The business facade provides a simple interface that maps
directly to operations exposed by the Web Service. The business facade uses
services provided by the business logic layer. In a simple Web Service, all the
business logic might be implemented by the business facade, which would interact
directly with the data access layer. Client applications interact with the Web
Service listener. The listener is responsible for receiving incoming messages
containing requests for service, parsing the messages, and dispatching the
request to the appropriate method on the business facade. If the service returns
a response, the listener is also responsible for packaging the response from the
business facade into a message and sending that back to the client. The listener
also handles requests for contracts and other documents about the Web Service.
If you think about it, the only part of the Web Service that knows it is part of
a Web Service is the listener!

Figure 2. Generic Web Service architecture
This architecture is very similar to the n-tier application
architecture defined by Windows DNA. As shown in Figure 3, the Web Service
listener is equivalent to the presentation layer of a Windows DNA application. A
common development scenario is likely to include exposing functionality of an
existing Web application for programmatic access—that is, adding a Web Service
to an existing application. As this figure shows, that could be as simple as
implementing a Web Service listener that accesses the existing business facade.

Figure 3. Relationship of Web Service architecture to Windows
DNA architecture
In the Windows DNA architecture, we're used to thinking about
implementing the data layer using databases and the business layer using COM
components. But what if the data access layer gets its data from a Web Service
instead of a database? Or the business facade calls a Web Service to do part of
its work? Suddenly our application architecture looks a lot like Figure 1. In
some respects, the .NET application architecture simply extends the Windows DNA
application architecture across the Web.
Note The requirements and usage patterns for
programmatic access will often be sufficiently different from the requirements
and usage patterns of the existing Web application that additional work is
required. These differences might impact all layers of the application
architecture. For example, the physical data schema might not be designed to
handle new kinds of queries exposed by a Web Service, or the volume of queries
made by client applications. In addition, Web services have extremely high
reliability requirements. Unless your existing Web application is highly
available, capable of dealing with unexpected input values, and so on,
additional work might be needed to meet these new
Platform Requirements
Given the
similarities between the Windows DNA architecture and the Web services
architecture, you should not be surprised to learn that developing Web services
is not all that different from developing Web applications, or that you can
develop Web services using today's Windows DNA technologies. However, there are
some notable differences. In particular, in order to implement a Web Service
listener, you'll probably need to understand SOAP messages and generate SOAP
responses, provide a WSDL contract for your service and Disco file for your
site, and advertise your service via UDDI. If you're consuming Web services, you
might need to use UDDI or Disco to locate services and service contracts,
interpret a WSDL contract for the service, and generate appropriate SOAP
messages and interpret SOAP responses.
In addition, because applications rely on Web services, it is
critical that these services are completely dependable. A Web Service should
always be available. It must not make mistakes, lose requests, fault in the face
of invalid requests, or corrupt persisted data. It should always be able to meet
client demand with acceptable performance. In the rare event that a fault
occurs, the Web Service should continue processing requests as best it can. In
other words, a Web Service needs all the "abilities"—scalability, reliability,
availability, and so on. If a Web Service is not dependable, application
developers will not use it.
Systems administrators for service providers will not permit Web
services to be deployed unless the Web services are easy to deploy and manage.
It should be possible to deploy a Web Service without using special tools,
either locally or remotely. The deployment process should be easy to learn and
easy to replicate. It should be easy to deploy a new version of a Web Service,
either side by side with the existing version or by replacing the existing
version. Management tools should make it easy to monitor and tune Web Service
performance, both in isolation and in combination with other services, as demand
varies. It must be possible to secure a Web Service so that only authorized
consumers can use it. Perhaps most importantly, deploying one Web Service must
not impact the availability or performance of any other Web Service—even if
multiple Web services share implementation components.
The requirements of Web services consumers and system
administrators impose a considerable burden on Web Service developers that's not
specifically related to any functionality provided by the service. Web Service
developers will want infrastructure and tools support that make it easier to
implement secure, reliable, scalable, manageable, and highly available Web
services. Developers will also want infrastructure and tools to help them debug,
profile, and trace execution of their code and the infrastructure services they
are using. Ideally, you will not need to learn a new programming language in
order to use this infrastructure and these tools. In fact, the more you can
leverage your existing skills, components, applications, and data stores, the
Much of the difficulty in implementing scalable, highly
available code is connected with properly managing resources—such as processes,
threads, and shared state—when multiple concurrent requests are received by a
service. Middleware that manages these resources and lets you write service
logic as if a single client is accessing it can greatly improve the reliability,
scalability, and availability of Web services, as well as greatly simplify
development of the Web Service.
In practical terms, the middleware provides a standard hosting
environment for Web Service implementation code. The hosting environment is
responsible for:
Listening for incoming HTTP requests.
security authentication and authorization checks.
Dispatching authorized
requests to the correct service.
Ensuring services are isolated from
each other and the hosting environment—that is, a service has its own memory,
services cannot block other services from executing, and service faults cannot
cause other services or the hosting environment to fault.
recovering from service, hosting environment, and system failures.
Providing administrative facilities for deploying, monitoring, and
controlling services.
Managing resources such as processes, threads, and
shared state on behalf of each service.
Of course, some Web services
will have non-standard requirements that the standard hosting environment does
not support. Thus, the environment must be flexible enough that you can replace
features that don't meet your needs.
APIs for constructing and parsing messages will also enhance
your productivity. At a minimum, APIs must support reading and writing XML
streams. Specific APIs for standards such as SOAP, WSDL, Disco, and UDDI will
improve productivity as well as overall reliability by eliminating the need for
you to write parsing and formatting logic. The APIs also reduce the need for you
to learn every detail of the specifications.
If you are implementing Web services using component
technologies, additional productivity gains can be achieved if the system
provides services to activate objects on demand and map messages to object
method calls—essentially implementing the Web Service listener for you.
Similarly, if you're consuming Web services, you'll want tools that construct
proxy objects hiding the details of formatting and sending a service request,
then interpreting the response.
A Roadmap to the Microsoft
Microsoft Windows 2000 provides the basic
infrastructure required to implement Web applications and Web services. Windows
2000 Internet Information Services (IIS) and Component Services (a.k.a. COM+)
provide a hosting environment that meets most of the requirements just listed.
Windows 2000 also provides APIs to help you implement all layers of a Web
COM for implementing the business facade, business logic, and
data access layers
ADO, OLE DB, and ODBC for implementing data access to
a variety of data stores
MSXML to help construct and consume XML
messages in the Web Service listener
Active Server Pages (ASP) or ISAPI
for implementing the Web Service listener
To improve availability and
scalability of your Web Service, you can use the Network Load Balancing (NLB)
and Clustering services of Windows 2000 Advanced Server and Datacenter Server.
Access to Web services can be restricted using IPSec, HTTP Basic authentication,
Digest authentication, Kerberos 5 authentication, NTLM authentication, or your
own custom scheme. IPSec, SSL, and Windows cryptography services can be used to
ensure data privacy.
.NET Enterprise Servers
Microsoft also
supplies several server products you might find useful when implementing and
deploying Web services. The latest versions of these products, collectively
known as the .NET Enterprise Servers, have been enhanced to support the Web and
XML. The .NET Enterprise Servers include:
Application Center 2000, for deploying and managing your Web
applications and Web services.
BizTalk? Server 2000, for business
process orchestration and document interchange. BizTalk Server contains
extensive support for XML and SOAP-based messages, transmitted over a variety of
protocols, including HTTP, SSL, and SMTP. Developers who are most interested in
exposing business processes to their business partners will likely build
solutions based on BizTalk Server that end up fitting the definition of a Web
Service, rather than explicitly setting out to implement Web services.
Commerce Server 2000, an application platform for building e-commerce
Web applications.
Exchange Server 2000, for messaging and collaboration.
Exchange 2000 includes the Microsoft Web Storage System, which provides
hierarchical data storage of heterogeneous documents. XML is the native data
format for many kinds of documents in the Web Storage System. Exchange is
tightly integrated with IIS, to support SMTP, POP, and direct access to data via
HTTP. Exchange provides a complete application platform for building
collaborative workflow applications that work over the Web. As with BizTalk
Server, developers who are most interested in building workflow applications
will likely build solutions based on Exchange or Microsoft? SharePoint? Portal
Server that end up fitting the definition of a Web Service, rather than
explicitly setting out to implement Web services.
Host Integration
Server 2000, for accessing mainframe applications and data stores. Host
Integration Server is the evolution of Microsoft SNA Server. Internet
Security and Acceleration Server 2000, which provides firewall and Web caching
Mobile Information Server 2001, for wireless access to
enterprise data.
SQL Server? 2000, for relational data storage. SQL
Server 2000 includes extensive support for XML. Relational data can be queried
and modified as XML, eliminating the need to handcraft formatting logic in your
applications. You can also provide direct access to SQL Server data stores and
OLAP cubes via HTTP, using the SQL Server XML services. If your Web Service
simply handles queries for data without a great deal of business logic and you
don't need to provide a SOAP-based interface, you might consider simply using
SQL Server XML as the Web Service listener.
Today's Tools for
Note that, with the exception of BizTalk Server 2000, these
technologies and products do not support SOAP, WSDL, Disco, or UDDI. Developers
creating SOAP-based Web services with today's technologies have three basic
Roll-your-own, using MSXML, ASP, or ISAPI, etc. The downside to
this, of course, is that you need to implement and test everything yourself—and
figure out how to comply with the relevant specifications!
Use the SOAP
Toolkit for Visual Studio 6.0 to build a Web Service listener that connects to a
business facade implemented using COM. (The SOAP Toolkit can be used if the
business facade is not implemented as a COM component, but you cannot leverage
the wizard that generates the listener as easily.) Note that the SOAP Toolkit is
a sample provide by MSDN. The Toolkit understands SOAP over HTTP and SSL, but
does not help you create Disco documents or UDDI registrations. It supports an
older contract language called SDL, rather than WSDL.
Use the Microsoft
Soap Toolkit version 2 to build a Web Service listener that connects to a
business facade implemented using COM. The Microsoft Soap Toolkit version 2 is
scheduled to for publication on MSDN Online in the first quarter of 2001.
Version 2 supports SOAP over HTTP, and can be used to create a WSDL file
describing your service. You will still need to create Disco documents and UDDI
registrations manually.
Both versions of the SOAP Toolkit provide tools
to help developers consume Web services as if they were COM components. The SOAP
Toolkit provides a COM component called the Remote Object Proxy Engine (ROPE)
that can be used by client applications. ROPE uses an SDL file to dynamically
create Automation methods you can call on a proxy object. If you want to use a
Web Service that doesn't supply an SDL file, you will need to create one.
Version 2 of the SOAP Toolkit provides similar functionality, based on WSDL
Moving Forward with .NET
The .NET
Framework is Microsoft's next-generation platform for building Web applications
and Web services. It is built from the ground up to meet the needs of Web
services developers and consumers, with pervasive support for Web standards such
as XML and SOAP. Some of the key features of the .NET Framework for Web services
developers include:
A common language runtime that manages the needs of running code
written in any programming language and eliminates the need to implement special
interfaces such as IUnknown and IDispatch. Developers simply implement classes
in their chosen programming language. Classes are completely self-describing, so
there's no need for separate type libraries or IDL files.
Interoperability with existing COM components. Existing COM components
look like managed classes to managed applications; managed classes look like COM
components to unmanaged applications.
An improved application deployment
model, which lets you specify exactly what versions of dependent DLLs to use.
Application configuration information can be specified in text files,
simplifying administration of applications. Many applications can be deployed by
simply copying files on to the target machine (sometimes called "Xcopy
Integrated, pervasive security services to ensure that
unauthorized users cannot access code or perform unauthorized actions.
ADO.NET, which provides classes to access XML documents and relational
data stores. As the name implies, ADO.NET is the evolution of Microsoft ActiveX?
Data Objects (ADO).
Lightweight application isolation based on
application domains. An application domain represents an isolation boundary. An
isolated application can be independently stopped and debugged, cannot access
code or resources of other applications, can fault without causing other
applications to fail, and has a baseline set of authorization checks that can be
performed before the application is launched. Multiple application domains can
run within the same process.
A robust HTTP runtime for processing HTTP
requests, engineered to automatically recover as best it can from access
violations, memory leaks, deadlocks, and so on. Web applications and Web
services run in application domains, so a fault in one application domain
doesn't bring down other application domains or the hosting environment.
Application domains are launched on demand; if a fault stops an application
domain, the next incoming request simply launches a new one. The runtime also
supports preemptive cycling of applications to improve overall system stability
in the face of applications that leak resources. Application DLLs are never
locked, so new versions can be deployed without shutting down the application or
Web server—when a new DLL is detected, a new application domain is launched to
handle new requests and any existing application domains are shut down when they
have no outstanding requests.
ASP.NET, which provides a low-level
programming model equivalent to ISAPI (but easier to implement), along with
high-level programming models for building Web applications (known as Web Forms)
and Web services. ASP.NET supports basic, digest, and NTLM authentication, as
well as Microsoft Passport authentication and custom cookie-based authentication
for applications that use a private account database for authenticating users.
.NET Remoting for activating objects and making method calls across context,
application domain, process, or machine boundaries. For cross-machine calls,
.NET Remoting supports both a DCOM-like binary wire protocol over TCP/IP and the
SOAP wire protocol over HTTP or SMTP. The architecture is extensible, so that
additional wire protocols and transports can be supported.
services are the preferred technology for implementing Web services based on the
.NET Framework. ASP.NET Web services support service requests using SOAP over
HTTP, as well as HTTP GET or POST. ASP.NET Web services automatically generate
WSDL and Disco files for your Web services. You can use ASP.NET Web services to
implement a Web Service listener that accesses a business facade implemented as
a COM component or managed class. The .NET Framework SDK also provides tools to
generate proxy classes that client applications can use to access Web services.
Note that ASP.NET Web services, as with the other tools we have
discussed, do not expose the server-side types to client applications. The
implementation is completely hidden inside the Web Service. All the tools
discussed assume a stateless programming model as well—that is, each incoming
request is handled independently. The only state maintained between requests is
anything persisted in data stores.
If you need a more tightly coupled, object-based programming
model between client and server, you'll want to use .NET Remoting. .NET Remoting
provides remote access to server-side objects with full type fidelity. Clients
can obtain references to server-side objects and control the lifetime of those
objects. If you use these object lifetime services, however, client applications
will need to be implemented using .NET Remoting as well.
In addition to the features provided by the .NET Framework,
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET provides additional tools to help you build,
deploy, and consume Web services. For example, the IDE supports UDDI and Disco
for locating Web services, and understands how to generate client-side proxies
from WSDL files. Visual Studio .NET also includes ATL Server, which C++
developers using ATL can use to construct Web Service listeners that connect to
a business facade implemented as a C++ class. ATL Server supports SOAP over HTTP
and will automatically generate WSDL files for your Web services. It also
provides tools to generate C++ proxy classes that client applications can use to
access Web services.
As you can see, Microsoft provides a number of tools and
technologies that will help you build, deploy, and consume Web services. The
centerspread in the January/February 2001 issue of MSDN News (click here to
view) provides a handy roadmap to help you sort through the options discussed in
this article, as well as pointers to more information about each product. Note
that the centerspread does not try to list every option for implementing a Web
Service. Instead, it attempts to recommend good options for different
development scenarios, given the current capabilities of Microsoft