
关于模型的简单介绍! 来源:   时间:2001-12-28 16:40   作者:AMTeam.org



Knowledge Era Enterprising:
Creating 21st Century Organizations

The 21st Century Knowledge Era Enterprising operates on a different set of rules and norms than those we have learned in the Industrial Era. Instead of the boxes and lines of the hierarchical chart, we have self-organizing teams, that pattern themselves to both deliver on concrete opportunities and to also capture and reinvest their learning in the organizations future success. True, some hierarchy still exists, but it functions qualitatively differently.

Instead of just using peoples' hands, we build upon their heads and hearts, their minds and emotions. In fact, 21st Century Knowledge Era Enterprising uses the whole person, and creates the space and expectations for his or hear growth in community with others.

Unfortunately, it is extremely hard to unlearn the values and assumptions of the Industrial Era. They worked well for 100 to 200 years. They got the job done. Yet, the very success of the Industrial Era in unleashing the wealth of nature makes it harder for us to move on, to unleash the wealth in us humans. New rules are already emerging, but we still operate by the old outdated rules so well articulated by Adam Smith, like the division and subdivision of labor and the notion of self-interest.

KEE, Inc. is working with companies in a comprehensive way to build a new foundation for their future. This is the process of "unlocking the future."

There are four foundation elements to 21st Century Knowledge Era Enterprising

Business Strategy: We work with the leadership team to defined or refine the organization's business idea (the six key interrelated things it must do well to be successful over time) so it can effectively leverages its knowledge, as well as that in the suppliers, customers and customers' customers organizations. We also help the leadership team to understand and master the new rules of the Knowledge Economy.
Core Culture: We help the organization to solidly anchor itself in a deep individual and organizational sense of values and the active valuing of one another, so the organization's knowledge is more readily available. We are working closely with Drs. Brian Hall and Benjamin Tonna to integrate their values assessment and alignment approach for large and medium size corporations.
Dynamic Teaming and Knowledge Networking: Knowledge Era Enterprising requires the organization masters the "teaming process" and creates a dynamic learning organization. We are pioneering the use of Netmap™ to give visibility to the complex set of interrelationships on the various teams within the company and between companies. We integrate the visibility given by Netmap with the power of the Web.
Infrastructure Enhancing People Interaction: HR, IT and Finance have an opportunity to work together in new ways to enhance human interaction and rewards, build a IT infrastructure that enables virtual teaming through the use of the Web and a budgeting process that encourages entrepreneurial initiatives. Knowledge Management is only a very small part of what we focus upon.
In our work with companies, we place these four elements within a dynamic development process involving four steps: (Slide 1)

Envisioning the Future
Energizing People
Implementing Teaming
Growing Capabilities
At the same time we build upon the four elements of the balanced scorecard approach, relating them to the emerging discussion of intellectual capital: (Slide 2)

Customer Perspective (Supplier/Customer Capital)
Learning & Growth Perspective (Human Capital)
Business Processes (Structural Capital)
Financial Perspective (Shareholder Capital)
In order to create an energetic business culture, we focus on four types of skills. They are built upon on cultural and values work, and help build a foundation for imaginative and collaborative work within and between companies. (Slide 3)

Instrumental Skills
Interpersonal Skills
Imaginal Skills
Systems Skills
If you or your colleagues have an interest in moving towards 21st Century Knowledge Era Enterprising, please let us know. We would like to see your organization get a full return on your knowledge and we would like to help you discover those values that bring value and enhance your company’s valuation.

If you or your colleagues have an interest in moving towards 21st Century Knowledge Era Enterprising, please let us know. Charles_Savage@compuserve.com or Sundrum@compuserve.com.

We would like to see your organization get a full return on your knowledge and we would like to help you discover those values that bring value and enhance your company’s valuation.




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